Discover Stories That Inspire, Empower, and Transform

"Thank you so very much for having me as a part of this project with this book that is coming out tomorrow. I didn't realize how much I had blocked way until I started writing, and it's been very therapeutic for me. The response and the support has been unbelievable. With my children all grown up now, sometimes I feel like I'm searching for that purpose: to share my stories from everything I've gone through in different aspects of my life. I'm grateful and honored that you decided to have me be a part of this book !" Catherine King

I was so honored to write a chapter in Women Like Me. Julie is very gifted in helping you write your story, she made the whole writing process feel easy as she was there guiding you the whole way. Having a story to tell, and writing a book on my own felt overwhelming, but writing a chapter with Julie helping and guiding me was so therapeutic. If my story inspires even one women that would be the icing on the cake. Shawna Roch